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      8 reviews
      Hired 29 times
      I have nothing but satisfied clients, irrespective of the type of ceremony that I officiate at...My fees reflect the costs incurred in running a small business like mine...I can help you with your vows, any family traditions, poetry, readings, and rituals - just ask...We havnt booked anything yet just wanting to know how much it will coast..And the fact that the boys turned up for training during the rehearsal was an added bonus!!!..- Do you take care of all the...

      Butterfly Moments services Condon and Townsville

      Amazing Anne

      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      Guarantee of a ceremony you are happy with once you have signed off on it...Provide the Celebrant with proof of place and date of birth and photo ID..To provide a couple with a ceremony they, and their guests will remember for all the right reasons is very fulfilling...official ceremony only at home with required witnesses- there will be no fan fair..The great thing about a civil ceremony is that it can be performed any time at any place...Whether it is...

      Amazing Anne services Condon, Townsville, Rungoo, Belyando, Upper Cornish Creek, Laglan, Galilee, Wairuna, Minnamoolka, Mount Surprise, Lyndhurst, Conjuboy, Lumholtz, Damper Creek, Porcupine, Torrens Creek, Gumlu, Bogie, Mount Wyatt and Mount Coolon

      63 reviews
      Hired 59 times
      We had a bit of a chat and he said to me that I would be a good Celebrant...You need to meet with your chosen Celebrant to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage Form no longer than 18 months prior and no less than 1 month prior to the ceremony...So on 03/05/2014 at 11.30pm I officiated an intimate ceremony at their home...We are looking for a quick Elope with two witness ceremony who is happy to marry two people legally...I...

      Lovelady, Donna Maree services Condon, Innisfail, Whitsunday, Charters Towers, Townsville Central, Bowen and Gordonvale

      Price Jan

      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      Its also a joy when you get referrals from weddings you do...I love meeting new people, helping them prepare for their ceremony and on the day officiating to make it a day they will always remember...We are trained not to advertise our cost or discuss with any other celebrants...we have chosen to have the wedding on my grandparents private property...Yes been the best celebrant I can be and make sure all legal requirements are done...I pride myself on been very...

      Price Jan services Condon and Townsville

      1 review
      Hired 10 times
      I will guide you if you are not sure of what you want and show you many different ideas to make your ceremony specifically yours...I am an Authorised Marriage Celebrant with excellent communication skills and an artistic flair to enhance your wedding experience...I will design a ceremony that reflects both you and your partner's wishes...We are interested in a celebrant who can renew our wedding Vowels at about 5-5.30pm(we're wanting a sunset celebration for an intimate setting of two and...

      Jeanette Cole Authorised Marriage Celebrant services Condon, Townsville, Tablelands, Hughenden, Cloncurry, Cardwell, Cairns, Cairns North and Palm Cove

      1 review
      Hired 5 times
      I am a friendly easy going person and will help make your day a special day to remember...I am qualified, experienced and committed to making your Wedding day a special day you will always remember, as a Townsville Celebrant I also travel to Magnet Island, Ayr, Giru and surrounding areas...I am happy to consider any suggestions you have in mind...We met at the Breakwater Boat Ramp and spent the day on a boat and going to Magnetic Island...Other ceremonies I...

      Dianne Sherrington Townsville Celebrant services Condon, Townsville Central and Ayr

      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I also love helping people celebrate a range of family ceremonies such as Namings...I am an authorised celebrant registered with the Attorney General Office to perform Marriage Ceremonies according to law...I am also a Queensland registeed Civil Partnership Notary being able to ligally perform Civil partnership ceremonies in Queensland...My partner and I plan on getting married, having no ceremony just want it to be quick and simple...I aim to provide people with a service that is professional and meets their...

      Lynda Ross Civil Marriage Celebrant services Condon and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I am also very aware of not undercutting other celebrants within the region...I understand that I provide a valuable service to society and strive to be the best at what I do by always trying to better myself...about ceremonies, which should answer a lot of frequently asked questions...just need a celebrant to submit the paperwork - we have done it incl certified copies of all documents required and officiate at the actual ceremony...I am open to all my clients' wishes...

      Butterfly Moments services Condon and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Hi, I am a qualified civil marriage celebrant who loves creating beautiful ceremonies...Specialising in Weddings, Namings, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of.

      Fay Donovan Jp (Qual) services Condon and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Your ceremony will design and plan your special day to absolute perfection...Nancy Hamer Northern Rivers Weddings provide first class wedding planning services.

      Nancy Hamer Northern Rivers Weddings services Condon and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Magnetic island, just 8klms from Townsville has 23 beaches & bays, 320 days of sunshine every year and, it is Saturday 7 days a week...Do it your way with David Crusty Herron, on Magnetic Island...Every possible assistance to make planning your day so easy and your ceremony most memorable...We want to make my daughter a part of the ceremony...Let's do it your way Thank you for using Start Local to find me and congratulations on your forthcoming wedding and for...

      Magnetic Island Celebrant David Crusty Herron services Condon and Townsville Central

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