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      8 reviews
      Hired 29 times
      It is a job that I have always wanted to do, as it helps me use my creative side to a maximum...The date is the most crucial part as I need to ensure that I am available...Just ask about it at our first meeting, which is obligation free..So this will be to formalise our commitment just in front of a few friends...I also offer a lot of extras, such as downloading of songs for the ceremony...I have a proven track...

      Butterfly Moments services Cranbrook and Townsville

      Amazing Anne

      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      After attending a few weddings where I was unimpressed with the Celebrants, and following a varied career mostly involving customer service, I felt it was something I could do well...To provide a couple with a ceremony they, and their guests will remember for all the right reasons is very fulfilling...I have completed ceremonies in all sorts of places - homes, parks, reception venues, beaches, chapels and even in a tattoo parlour!..Just want to make it official but dont have a...

      Amazing Anne services Cranbrook, Townsville, Rungoo, Belyando, Upper Cornish Creek, Laglan, Galilee, Wairuna, Minnamoolka, Mount Surprise, Lyndhurst, Conjuboy, Lumholtz, Damper Creek, Porcupine, Torrens Creek, Gumlu, Bogie, Mount Wyatt and Mount Coolon

      63 reviews
      Hired 59 times
      Went home did a bit of research and decided it was what I wanted to be...When you are ready to make a promise to each other then see me to help make that day as special as you would like it to be...I am approachable and will help in any way I can to relieve the stress on the couple...Any time during the day is fine and sometime in the next 2 months..I am there for you every step of...

      Lovelady, Donna Maree services Cranbrook, Innisfail, Whitsunday, Charters Towers, Townsville Central, Bowen and Gordonvale

      Price Jan

      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      I also done the course for when I retired so I would have something in my life to go out and enjoy...Where the location is. I need this so I can check my diary and make sure I am available...I graduated very quickly and was still working full time...We are planning a intimate small wedding of about 50 guests and would like to keep our ceremony simple and meaningful...Yes been the best celebrant I can be and make sure all...

      Price Jan services Cranbrook and Townsville

      1 review
      Hired 10 times
      I will guide you if you are not sure of what you want and show you many different ideas to make your ceremony specifically yours...Each couple will have the final right of approval of their ceremony...I will design a ceremony that reflects both you and your partner's wishes...We're not looking at standing at the altar too long, let's face it we just want it over and done with but also something nice so everyone can witness our ceremony...I provide many...

      Jeanette Cole Authorised Marriage Celebrant services Cranbrook, Townsville, Tablelands, Hughenden, Cloncurry, Cardwell, Cairns, Cairns North and Palm Cove

      1 review
      Hired 5 times
      I am qualified, experienced and committed to making your Wedding day a special day you will always remember, as a Townsville Celebrant I also travel to Magnet Island, Ayr, Giru and surrounding areas...To assist you with planning your ceremony I have created a ceremony planning booklet which I will leave with you, in this booklet there are sample ceremonies, sample vows, wordings and much more, all to help make things easier for you to choose the ceremony that is right...

      Dianne Sherrington Townsville Celebrant services Cranbrook, Townsville Central and Ayr

      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I am also a Queensland registeed Civil Partnership Notary being able to ligally perform Civil partnership ceremonies in Queensland...I aim to provide people with a service that is professional and meets their needs and values the importance of getting married and/or uniting their lives and making a commitment to each other...I am an experienced celebrant based in Townsville and servicing the greater Townsville area...My partner and I plan on getting married, having no ceremony just want it to be quick...

      Lynda Ross Civil Marriage Celebrant services Cranbrook and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I have been lucky that all of my clients have "clicked" with me and that I, in turn have "clicked" with them, making them all very memorable occasions..I have officiated at many ceremonies and, in all cases, have had excellent feedback...about ceremonies, which should answer a lot of frequently asked questions...want the fee to reflect the little amount of work required..I am passionate about my career and about making your wedding day one that you will remember for ever...I am...

      Butterfly Moments services Cranbrook and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Specialising in Weddings, Namings, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of...Hi, I am a qualified civil marriage celebrant who loves creating beautiful ceremonies.

      Fay Donovan Jp (Qual) services Cranbrook and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Nancy Hamer Northern Rivers Weddings provide first class wedding planning services...Your ceremony will design and plan your special day to absolute perfection.

      Nancy Hamer Northern Rivers Weddings services Cranbrook and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Magnetic island, just 8klms from Townsville has 23 beaches & bays, 320 days of sunshine every year and, it is Saturday 7 days a week...Every possible assistance to make planning your day so easy and your ceremony most memorable...As Magnetic Island's most experienced celebrant I realise that it's your wedding so let's do it your way...It is just a simple wedding just my partner and I, no family no friends...After all, you are unique individuals so your ceremony should be...

      Magnetic Island Celebrant David Crusty Herron services Cranbrook and Townsville Central

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