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    Standing Fork

    89 reviews
    Hired 87 times
    89 reviews
    Hired 87 times
    Customer's details: Their name, event date, number of people attending their event, event venue/location, time of the event, duration of the event, what type of food and services are required for their event, their budget for food and services...Owners Sherisse & Glen Tanonef have been in the hospitality industry for over 20 years...In 5 years of operating it became our bread & butter and we have now expanded the business to 5 divisions:..Looking for a selection of sandwiches, wraps, rolls...

    Standing Fork services East Fremantle, Perth CBD, North East Perth, North West Perth, South East Perth, South West Perth, South Wheat Belt, Mandurah, Shackleton, South Datatine, Kwolyin, Wamenusking, South Quairading, Woolocutty, South Kumminin, West River, Ravensthorpe, Pingrup, Nyabing, West Fitzgerald, South Glencoe, Moondyne, Beaufort River, Boscabel, Changerup, Mount Holland, Babakin, Norseman, North Cascade, Munglinup, Muchea and 31 more

    Perth Pro DJ

    9 reviews
    Hired 8 times
    9 reviews
    Hired 8 times
    Perth PRO DJ are established Premiere DJ-MC's, and Event Planners that are focused on quality and customer satisfaction, our industry reputation is everything...Very happy to source preferred songs and music genres to cater to the customers personal taste for their show...I have received recommendations from most customers and even high fived and hugged at the conclusion of many events...I need someone with the full set up (lights sound decks mics etc) and my budget is around 500$..We Take pride on...

    Perth Pro DJ services East Fremantle and Perth CBD

    35 reviews
    Hired 20 times
    Global Event Concepts are a fully insured business with a commitment to providing high quality catering events with a key focus on customer service...Get in touch today to see how we can ensure your event is a success...We can tailor make a quotation based on your catering or event budget...Do up event invitation for event and link to either eventbrite or other platform...We love taking care of people, and thrive on making your dream event a reality...We deliver on every...

    Global Event Concepts services East Fremantle, all of WA, Tanami, Lake Mackay, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, Buchanan, Nullarbor and Baines

    1 review
    Hired 2 times
    I will take care of all the details in a professional and organised manner...I'm not out to earn the biggest pay packet, I'm genuinely in it because I found a passion and desire in planning events...Please note: I am currently having issues with my hosting supplier and therefore my website is currently down...Really, we want an outdoor setting that has cover in case it rains (Wedding date is 12 May (withheld))...Many years ago I worked for a Catering company managing...

    Your Day Your Way Weddings And Events services East Fremantle and all of WA

    Say I Do...

    26 reviews
    Hired 50 times
    26 reviews
    Hired 50 times
    Wriggle your toes and put your tongue in the roof your mouth...My thoughts were I could actually do this for a lifetime career!..Hi I'm Di and I am in love with love...Looking to renew our vows with a simple ceremony with family friends and our children...My goal is to make your ceremony journey flow with minimum of stress from beginning to end...I love my career so this is why weddings are my main focal point of being a celebrant...There are...

    Say I Do... services East Fremantle, Perth, Preston Beach, Moondyne, Woottating, Copley, Wundowie, Yeal, Muchea, Mount Cooke, Mount Observation, Flynn, Flint, Waroona, Nanga Brook, Lake Clifton, Teesdale, Marrinup, Banksiadale, Whittaker, Solus, Myara, Lower Chittering, Morangup and Wilbinga

    1 review
    Hired 0 times
    It is often hard to know exactly what you will need until we have a chat, especially if it is your first time doing a renovation, refurbishment, or event...The remit is broad and always expanding, but most projects involve at the core, a key point in life as the instigator...For this reason I can keep my consultation and service fees competitive...I need a photo booth and some Gatsby (withheld)s styling..I have been styling for the past 15 years within events,...

    Style And Life services East Fremantle and all of WA

    6 reviews
    Hired 21 times
    All of my ceremonies include a beautiful signing table with 2 chairs and table styling...It is very helpful to know the date and time of a wedding and if known the location...I love to see my couple's faces as they walk down the aisle and see each other...Location planned to be no more than 30km from Perth CBD..I know how to relate to people having many years in the hospitality industry prior to my current position and I just love...

    Journeys Of Love services East Fremantle, South West, Perth, North East Perth, South East Perth, Albany, East Perth, Lancelin, Dwellingup, York, Beverley, Brookton, Lake Grace, Gingin, Moora and Williams

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Celebrity Celebrant: Oh and did I mention I was famous for 15 minutes?..My style is relaxed, clear and enjoyable to listen to...Even if you don’t know what you want, I will be able to shape the ceremony to match your personalities..My partner and I plan to have a wedding at a registry office in Darwin, I want the wedding to be organized as quickly and neatly as possible...Before, during and after the ceremony you can count on me to be...

    Mark Your Ceremony services East Fremantle, Darwin CBD, Darwin Suburbs, Litchfield and Palmerston

    Double Heart

    Juno Events

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Experience, creativity and a genuine passion for providing warm, welcoming and professional event planning skills...Depending on the level of service required I can work on either a flat-rate basis or on a per-service basis...Contact us now to arrange a complimentary and obligation-free initial consultations to discuss how we can make your next special event perfect and hassle-free...Need someone who can coordinate and plan everything including permits with City of Wanneroo and everything else that goes with a wedding...* Be realistic...

    Juno Events services East Fremantle and all of WA

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Accolade Memorials have a compassionate understanding that families have the right to say goodbye without huge costs, we guarantee that if you are not completely satisfied with our services you will receive a full refund of our professional service fee...Of course these items will not always be necessary as tributes will vary...Accolade Memorials is here to provide the need that many families wish for outside of a funeral...With more than 5 years’ experience in the Funeral industry, I have been...

    Accolade Memorials services East Fremantle, Perth and Perth CBD


    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Indi has a song rep of well over 200+songs, and has a full p.a and lighting system...INDI Entertainment Weddings/Party,s/Functions INDI is a male Vocalist/Actor who can provide the perfect Entertainment for your special function...Indi covers songs from such artists as Robbie Williams,Tom jones,Boy George,ABBA, Blondie,Crowded house, and many many more...Type of planning: Reception, Ceremony, Venue, Decorator and florist, Caterer, Celebrant

    Indi services East Fremantle and Perth CBD

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Professional and Friendly Civil Celebrant to help you and conduct your special day..Stanley Gibbs is a friendly, professional wedding planning and event planning firm.

    S Gibbs & S.c Gibbs services East Fremantle, Perth CBD and South West Perth

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