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    35 reviews
    Hired 20 times
    Global Event Concepts has a proven track record in client satisfaction & repeat business...Event specialists who are passionate about creating unforgettable experiences that inspire...Get in touch today to see how we can ensure your event is a success...Anyone who has those packages please send through your info, we are keen to get this party started!!!..We will take the pressure off when it comes to event planning...We love taking care of people, and thrive on making your dream event a reality...From...

    Global Event Concepts services Clarkson, all of WA, Tanami, Lake Mackay, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, Buchanan, Nullarbor and Baines

    6 reviews
    Hired 21 times
    My specialty is making people happy, with a few tears thrown in...I strive for excellence and want to be the best weddings celebrant possible for you so I can craft a wedding ceremony that reflects just that...I am fully vaccinated and in the event that I contract Covid, I will find an alternative celebrant for the day of your wedding, if you have to postpone your wedding due to Covid there will be no extra costs involved and I will...

    Journeys Of Love services Clarkson, South West, Perth, North East Perth, South East Perth, Albany, East Perth, Lancelin, Dwellingup, York, Beverley, Brookton, Lake Grace, Gingin, Moora and Williams

    Say I Do...

    26 reviews
    Hired 50 times
    26 reviews
    Hired 50 times
    I love my career so this is why weddings are my main focal point of being a celebrant...This day is all about them and I am so proud to be joining a couple for a lifetime...Together we can design your ceremony where you say those two magic words "I Do"...Looking at officially getting married as my fiancee is due to give birth in November.something very small..I am in love with love and would to help you tell your unique love...

    Say I Do... services Clarkson, Perth, Preston Beach, Moondyne, Woottating, Copley, Wundowie, Yeal, Muchea, Mount Cooke, Mount Observation, Flynn, Flint, Waroona, Nanga Brook, Lake Clifton, Teesdale, Marrinup, Banksiadale, Whittaker, Solus, Myara, Lower Chittering, Morangup and Wilbinga

    Standing Fork

    89 reviews
    Hired 87 times
    89 reviews
    Hired 87 times
    Standing Fork - Perth Caterer specialises in substantial petite meals served standing style with a focus on ECO friendly sustainable work practises...We strive to produce the most flavorful cuisine for every event while upholding very high standards with regards to quality and eco-consciousness...I enjoy being flexible and creative with my involvement with my customer's event...we are looking for someone that could provide catering for weekly Rotary meetings...My parents started a small catering service just as a weekend income, but it...

    Standing Fork services Clarkson, Perth CBD, North East Perth, North West Perth, South East Perth, South West Perth, South Wheat Belt, Mandurah, Shackleton, South Datatine, Kwolyin, Wamenusking, South Quairading, Woolocutty, South Kumminin, West River, Ravensthorpe, Pingrup, Nyabing, West Fitzgerald, South Glencoe, Moondyne, Beaufort River, Boscabel, Changerup, Mount Holland, Babakin, Norseman, North Cascade, Munglinup, Muchea and 31 more

    1 review
    Hired 2 times
    All of the pre wedding / event work is unseen until D-Day...I have experience working in catering, pricing menu's and waitstaff service...I am committed to ensuring that my work is to a high and expected standard because at the end of the day what you say about me is important...I currently live in Melbourne so need some help as doing it from afar is going to be a challenge!..I will take care of all the details in a professional and...

    Your Day Your Way Weddings And Events services Clarkson and all of WA

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    We're constantly improving on our designs and keeping up to date with new styles...We're a fully accredited professional Graphic Design partnership with a passion for paper and print...If you haven't found the right design for you within our range, we can also custom design for you and we email a detailed quote prior to starting any job...I have a word doc of inspiration for you just wondering how much it costs to have a mock up..You, our customers are what...

    Wedding Invites WA services Clarkson, Perth CBD and North West Perth

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    It's your day and we'll help make sure things are done your way to suit your budget...We offer a 'Wedding Day PA' service, as well as planning, styling, and all your Floral needs!

    Monsoon Blooms services Clarkson, Perth CBD and North West Perth

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    What is the date and start time of your event?..Please ask our consultants if we have any current discounts on offer...It also helps to provide a budget so we can design a solution to suit the amount of funds available...Yes, we have public liability insurance and structural certificates signed by a Australian Engineer...The Design and features are made to create atmosphere and ensure your guests have a memorable experience...We have experience and qualified personal in the rigging structures, experienced project...

    Creative Marquees services Clarkson, Perth CBD and North West Perth

    Double Heart
    10 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    We offer a 200% money back guarantee we will never cancel a confirmed booking...We need to know your date to check our availability...We have looked after so many customers over the years with so many story's...I am doing this on a budget so need to keep prices down if possible : )..Yes we have full Public Liability Insurance and my employees are covered under Worker Compensation Insurance...We enjoy helping people with their special events in their life - Birthdays, Engagements,...

    Cosmic Cocktails services Clarkson and Perth

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    If they are unsure of colours or styles we send them a menu to help them decide..Read our customer reviews on Facebook and find out why people love what we do...We are blessed that we have the opportunity to meet people at their happiest times , we love what we do..We strive to grow our business based on customer service...Do you have any references or review that I can have a look at...We have done hundreds of Parties, picnics and...

    Cool Cabanas Glamping services Clarkson and North West Perth

    Starma Llama

    2 reviews
    Hired 2 times
    2 reviews
    Hired 2 times
    High quality and highly graded service to ensure you will remember your special event...With professional grade sound and lighting solutions to suit all occasions...Dress up parties are my favourite and I can help with decor and theming...hall hired for 5 hours to allow dj to set up for 1.5 hours and then party to last 2.5, cleanup 1 hour...Make your event memorable and let no detail be forgotten...Event coordinator covering all types of events from a birthday to a wedding...

    Starma Llama services Clarkson, South West, Perth, West Pilbara, Esperance, Gascoyne, MId West, Albany and North Wheat Belt

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Perth Bridal Fair are professional wedding planners who can take care of all aspects of your special day...Perth Bridal Fair you will discover everything you will need to make your wedding day the most successful and enjoyable ever...Variety of suppliers and contractors to make your event successful and seamless...Really, we want an outdoor setting that has cover in case it rains (Wedding date is 12 May (withheld))...I have been the Event Director of Perth Bridal Fair for the past 15...

    Perth Bridal Fair services Clarkson and Perth CBD

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