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    0 reviews
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    So why wait, call us and we shall be pleased to assist you...If you have decided to DIY, and need someone to guide you through, we can also assist...I have eyes for details and I hold your hands throughout the process..she is the only living grandparent I have left and the closest thing to a mother I have I do not have a lot of money but some help would be amazing..We cater for any kind of events, such as...

    Idees De Luxe Planning services Cambewarra Village, Illawarra, Kiama, Jervis Bay, Wollongong, Gerringong, Berry, Nowra and Moss Vale

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
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    We are providing Flowers for creative events and occasions, inspired from nature, to bring delight from the seasonal, simple and unexpected.

    Gypsy Flora services Cambewarra Village, Kiama and Shoalhaven

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
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    My strength as a celebrant lies in helping the couple to design a ceremony that truly represents them, both as individuals and as a pair...I am a modern and enthusiastic celebrant with a modern approach...I have a knack of drawing out the deeper love and emotion that lies within, while still ensuring the couple feel confident and happy, even on such a momentous day!..I do travel and am happy to meet Sydney based couples as well as people closer to...

    Celebrant Jenny services Cambewarra Village, Dapto and Port Kembla and Kiama

    1 review
    Hired 0 times
    I still lenjoy layering sounds together, but these days I prefer more intimate gigs such as House Parties, Gallery Exhibitions, Weddings and the like...However, after having twins in 2012, I wanted more control over my time to allow more time with my children...From 2001 - 2003 was resident DJ at the hotel Illawarra midweek playing 4hr sets of eclectic tunes including Funk, Reggae, House, Electronically, and other worldly sounds...I wanted Cannon in D played for the ceremony music, a particular...

    Selecta VibRayZen services Cambewarra Village, Dapto and Port Kembla, Kiama, Wollongong, Jervis Bay, Shoalhaven, Southern Highlands, Newtown and Marrickville

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