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    1 review
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    Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create images that will be treasured for a lifetime...With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the intricacies of human emotion, our team of skilled photographers is dedicated to delivering stunning, evocative imagery that captures the essence of every moment...If you are looking for a photography business that is dedicated to capturing the essence of your most important moments with passion, creativity,...

    Oculumen Photography services South Melbourne, Melbourne, North West, West Melbourne, Melbourne CBD, Glenburn, Poowong North, Murrindindi, Forbes, Kilmore, Kilmore East, Willowmavin, Narbethong, Marysville, McMahons Creek, Labertouche, Longwarry, Longwarry North, Modella, Athlone, Ripplebrook, Ada, Gentle Annie, Loch, Woodleigh, Jam Jerrup, The Gurdies, Nyora, Ashbourne, East Melbourne and 20 more

    0 reviews
    Hired 1 time
    I'd say i'm very versatile, i'm able to shoot any types of event & creative shoots...We also create content that markets business's through the art of film & photography to produce authentic visions by; collaborating and strengthening their brand loyalty to create promotional content in their own unique way...AR Films provides a service for capturing events such as Weddings, Engagements, Birthdays, Baptisms, Family Portraits and more...it would be perfect if i could find one dj who can cater for both...

    AR Film & Photography services South Melbourne, West Melbourne, North West, Port Melbourne, Bylands, Little River, Point Wilson, Balliang, Balliang East, Parwan, Rowsley, Myrniong, Ingliston, Nulla Vale, Ashbourne, Newham, Woodend, Baynton, Pastoria, Pastoria East, Pipers Creek, Lerderderg, Wollert, Beveridge, Wallan, Forbes, Willowmavin, Aberfeldie, Docklands, Footscray, Sunshine West and 20 more

    Na, Euree

    8 reviews
    Hired 13 times
    8 reviews
    Hired 13 times
    Whether it's capturing the joy of a wedding, the essence of a corporate event, the beauty of nature or the personality of a portrait model, I am committed to delivering exceptional quality and unparalleled service...Jax hired Na, Euree and said "Euree was amazing to work with , very polite, helpful and professional!!"..I have a Diploma in Photography and Digital Imaging as well as a Bachelor's degree in Visual Design...4pm - 6pm for a corporate event with live music and a...

    Na, Euree services South Melbourne and all of VIC

    3 reviews
    Hired 5 times
    In the event we cannot attend your event, we have a team of photographers and videographers that can carry out the works required...Additionally, we can postpone photography or film dates to another ...We provide wide range of video production and photography services for the small business and corporate sector...I am seeking a videographer for an event next week...From a wide wage of services including: drone photography and videography, branding films, photography, seminar video production and streaming, just to name a...

    FILM & EDIT CO services South Melbourne, Melbourne, Geelong, Broadford, Armstrong Creek, Reedy Creek, Sunday Creek, Flowerdale, Glenburn, Murrindindi, Forbes, Kilmore, Kilmore East, Willowmavin, Narbethong, Marysville, McMahons Creek, Labertouche, Longwarry, Longwarry North, Modella, Athlone, Ripplebrook, Ada, Gentle Annie, Loch, Woodleigh, Jam Jerrup, The Gurdies, Nyora, Poowong North and 28 more

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Blue Tree Studios also understands and recognises that the ability to work and adjust under pressure is a valuable skill when working on many photographic jobs...Our Victorian photographers are predominantly based in Melbourne but we also have one regional based photographer on the team as well...Blue Tree Studios comprises 2 principals and 7 photographers who have a wealth of experience and expertise to assist in the delivery of the Department of Human Services photographic needs...The event will be held in...

    Saville Coble services South Melbourne and all of VIC

    7 reviews
    Hired 1 time
    Our imaging services for real-estate coverage are a great way to showcase your property in the best light and make sure it's unique features, location and styling make a strong impact on your clients...Photography has been a part of my life for over a decade...Time of day, availability, location restrictions or special requirements regarding equipment can also be detailed for a more meaningful and accurate quote...It would be greatly appreciated if we could get the raw footage/photographs...If you have a...

    Pilopix Photography services South Melbourne and all of VIC

    3 reviews
    Hired 4 times
    We will sign a contract that will explain the scope of the work...All of our team members are accredited with certifications and courses specific to their stream with relative real work experience that brings in high-quality critical thinking and analytics...We offer our customized online solutions to our clients that are personalized according to their specific needs in Melbourne and elsewhere...I have logo already, there are other sites to get information and ideas from..We provide $200 or 20% (whichever is more)...

    Brandviser Pty Ltd. services South Melbourne and all of Australia

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    12 years ago at university I picked up my first video camera...6 months later I started a video production business and have never looked back...Video has taken me to several countries and many beautiful Australia locations...I think the setup of two cameras with two operators is ideal...Website: the2peas.com - We are an affordable, fast and reliable video production company...I hope to be creating videos long into the future...We work alongside you to find the most suitable solution to your video...

    The 2 Peas Video Production services South Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, North East, Mornington Peninsula, West Melbourne, South East, Outer East, North West, Ballarat Central, Inner South, Inner East, Melbourne CBD, Bellarine Peninsula, Geelong, West Barwon and Creswick

    0 reviews
    Hired 3 times
    We also specialise in action-camera footage including remote-fixed GoPro cameras attached to the most difficult to film objects - and we are experienced Drone Pilots with many hundreds of hours of flying and shooting stunning aerials...We help them to relax and get the very best results from even the most nervous interviewee...We are Video Production professionals with a passion for beautiful pictures and clear messages...Raw footage should be transferred directly to the laptop immediately after the shoot...Call us for a...

    Dean Allen Craig Media services South Melbourne and all of VIC

    RC Photo

    0 reviews
    Hired 1 time
    0 reviews
    Hired 1 time
    Rodel has experience with studio lighting and professional photographic setup...-Macbook for tethering that images can be immediately preview for images selection...Rodel is a graduate of Multi Media Arts Majoring in Photography...Would like it done indoors and just want a natural close up shot of us smiling or laughing, (but open to suggestions)...He also has experience with post-processing of digital images and graphic design...I Study Multi Media Arts Majoring in Photography and come from the background of graphic artist...He has 5...

    RC Photo services South Melbourne and Melbourne

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Our large range of wedding collection packages start from just under $1,000 and range right up to over $2,000 depending on your needs...RAW offers comprehensive professional photography packages that cover your event right from the morning preparation through to even a late night reception...As an experienced and professional wedding photographer in Melbourne, we understand that each event is different so we promise to work with our customers to tailor a package to suit their important occasion...Wedding Photographer for a wedding...

    Raw Imageworks Wedding Photography services South Melbourne, Ballarat, Greater Geelong, Melbourne, Bendigo Central, Heathcote, Upper Goulburn Valley, Baw Baw, South Gippsland and Latrobe Valley

    35 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    I have completed courses held by industry leaders Matt Granger and Mark Galer...I am also adept at using post production tools such as Photoshop and Lightroom...I offer unlimited photos, edited and delivered via a digital download link within 5 business days...Would love to see examples of your work within the events space...Having said that, I am flexible with other photography styles as well...- Luxurious 61MP photos for large print sizes supplied upon request...Ask if they have experience photographing events similar...

    Plush Photography services South Melbourne and Melbourne

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