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    0 reviews
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    If it is for an entire day, there is a daily flat rate...If a job is less than one whole day, then an hourly rate applies...When specifying the need for additional services, what exactly are they hoping that this additional service will do for them?..Hii, I am a small youtuber with 1.3k subs on Youtube...Know what you need before hand - i.e. know what you are hoping to achieve by requesting additional services for the job...What is it that the...

    Spring Whales Productions services Ballarat, Bendigo, Melbourne and Geelong

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    I strive to creatively document your true essence on your special day...How I'm passionate about the couples love for each other, their story and the BIG DAY and I had to stop I noticed from head to toe I had goosebumps!!! This is the passion I bring to my work every time I lift the camera up...They can also be shared directly on Social Media or you can pass the Web Address to family and friends for them to enjoy!..Craig's...

    David Bailey Photography services Ballarat and Ballarat Central

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    Open to have a conversation with the clients and would love to be a part of your next event in the future...I would like to call myself confident in Photography and Cinematography when it comes to the technical aspect, I am a people's person and like to provide the tone and the output as per the client's needs and expectations...Have a sense of clarity of what you're spending vs what you will get...Two session may 13 than another session may...

    Kmistry Photography services Ballarat, West Melbourne and Melbourne

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    Please don't just email us and simply say "How much"?..Even when things get tough, as it helps you learn a lot about yourself...We are professional photographers who care very much about the photographic and video industry...We have over 30 years of passionate experience in all levels of life skills...If you have any questions or work enquiries, please give us a call...How we get there is also based upon your expectations and budget...We are a people based company and care about...

    Infocus Photography and Video Studios services Ballarat and Ballarat Central

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    I work in a space of trust and collaboration with all my clients...Customers who are nervous about making a video are great to work with...I have created videos for Victoria Government, Monash University, Medibank, and Potter gallery and Museum...They will all be shot within 6 hours at the Pullman Hotel (Albert Park)..I write scripts and copy, produce, shoot and cut all my own work...Being a micro-business, I have no large overheads that need to be built-in to each quote...1. Do...

    Ingot Media services Ballarat, Bendigo, Greater Geelong, Melbourne, North West Victoria, Shepparton and Warnambool

    Bueno Design

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    Hired 2 times
    0 reviews
    Hired 2 times
    We specialise in Product Shots, Company Profiles, Events, Corporate, Documentaries, Real Estate & Training Videos...If you are unsure about our results, feel free to look us up in Google and see our reviews...We can cater to your project needs with aerial and ground footage, professional photography and lightning and live broadcast...We are hosting a training session with 10-12 people and it needs to be recorded so that it can be re-used for future training.

    Bueno Design services Ballarat and Ballarat Central


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    0 reviews
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    The final product can be in the form of physical prints or High-res JPEg digital files...strong understanding of photography techniques, a keen eye for capturing unique moments, and an ability to edit and enhance photos using software like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom...These services include event photography, portrait/Family photography, product photography, real estate and landscape photography among others...Would love a photographer that can come to location and capture our special moment..Janithgram photography provides services to individuals, organizations, or businesses who need...

    Janithgram services Ballarat, Bendigo, Greater Geelong, Melbourne, North West Victoria, West Melbourne, Boeill Creek, Curlwaa, Wentworth, Balranald, Dareton, Bunnaloo, Womboota, Barham, Cobramunga, Gonn, Thule, Mellool, Speewa, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Euston, Gol Gol, Monak, Trentham Cliffs, Buronga, Ombersley, Birregurra, Barwon Downs, Murroon and 112 more

    Double Heart
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    With so many marketing options available to businesses these days it’s hard to know where to spend your advertising budget...At Reddrop Media we aim to simplify your digital marketing, with Website Design, Google AdWords and Video Production to name just a few of our services...When it comes to most forms of advertising you are limited on the amount of space and content that you can use, however with your website you can have all of the content, images, information and...

    Reddrop Media services Ballarat and Ballarat Central

    Double Heart
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    Happy and friendly services for the Ballarat region also available in Melbourne on weekends such as the cbd sorry not talking jobs right now

    Shea's Pet Care services Ballarat and Ballarat Central

    Double Heart
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    Your wedding day will capture the most precious moments of your day...Our passion for photography is to capture those memorable lifetime moments for you to treasure for many years to come.

    A Webb Productions services Ballarat and Ballarat Central

    Double Heart
    1 review
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    You own all your images as high resolution files in two weeks of your big day.

    Scibelli Brook Photography services Ballarat, Bendigo, Greater Geelong, Melbourne, Shepparton, Warnambool, Upper Goulburn Valley and Baw Baw

    Double Heart
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    Commercial Photography & Interactive Media Let us make your business stand out from your competitors with great images & creative interactive media...Hstudios specialise in creating professional, photographs for a range of occasions...I need a photo of my 3rd child that is similar to her siblings at the same age

    Hstudios services Ballarat and Ballarat Central

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