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      Allen, Caroline

      34 reviews
      Hired 64 times
      34 reviews
      Hired 64 times
      I am flexible to changing circumstances such as change of date or time...Imagine, having the confidence in a truly professional and caring celebrant who anticipates your every need, giving you a ceremony tailor-made just for you...Firstly, a customer should have all their ID documents available: birth certificate, passport and driver's licence...Looking for a celebrant to tailor a ceremony for us...I had done readings at wedding ceremonies and conducted a few funeral services...This job is so wonderful as it is a...

      Allen, Caroline services Perth and Perth CBD

      It's Your Day

      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      Love is at the core of everything I do, and I'm here to assist you in planning your big day...With no obligation, let's get together to chat about your special day ????..I believe I am very well priced for the service you receive from my packages...We are looking for a bubbly, happy celebrant that can bring as much happiness as possible..What date are you planning on celebrating your wedding and if I have the availability for you...I am not a...

      It's Your Day services Perth, North East Perth, North West Perth, South East Perth, South West Perth, Perth CBD, Stake Hill, Moondyne, Woottating, Copley, Wundowie, Yeal, Muchea, Mount Cooke, Mount Observation, Flynn, Flint, Madora Bay, Solus, North Dandalup, Nambeelup, Myara, Lakelands, Lower Chittering, Morangup and Wilbinga

      Say I Do...

      26 reviews
      Hired 50 times
      26 reviews
      Hired 50 times
      I am in love with love and would to help you tell your unique love story...I love to offer my couples a unique ceremony to ensure their day is exactly what they have envisioned or even dreamt about...My thoughts were I could actually do this for a lifetime career!..I am after a beach wedding very small the bride and groom are living in the uk and are British..I have every word written down and I'm designed to stand by your...

      Say I Do... services Perth, Preston Beach, Moondyne, Woottating, Copley, Wundowie, Yeal, Muchea, Mount Cooke, Mount Observation, Flynn, Flint, Waroona, Nanga Brook, Lake Clifton, Teesdale, Marrinup, Banksiadale, Whittaker, Solus, Myara, Lower Chittering, Morangup and Wilbinga

      3 reviews
      Hired 13 times
      You can be confident that this important moment in your life will be remembered with joy!..A customer should ask for the three most important aspects of the work for the professional...I am happy to travel outside the metro area for ceremonies as I have a fondness for outdoor and rural ceremonies..Would love to know a bit about the process of paperwork, ect, for marrying...By talking and sharing ideas, listening to your concerns and providing you with many resources to inspire...

      The Trustee For The Vanessa Beresford Ord Superannuation Fund services Perth, Mandurah, Perth CBD, North East Perth, North West Perth, South East Perth, South West Perth, Bunbury, Lower Hotham, Yabberup, Mount Observation, Flynn, Flint, Wonnerup, Tutunup, Ruabon, Yoganup, Lowden, Williams, Mount Cooke, Upper Murray, Wuraming, Quindanning, Muchea, Yeal, Wundowie, Copley, Woottating, Moondyne, Teesdale, Wilbinga and 19 more

      2 reviews
      Hired 3 times
      I am particularly drawn to the idea of being a part of couples' journeys, weaving their love stories into ceremonies that truly capture the essence of their connection...Please head over to my website to view my packages and pricing www.chloetornowcelebrant.com.au..Embracing diversity and individuality, I strive to tailor each celebration to reflect the personalities and stories of those I work with...We are looking for a bubbly, happy celebrant that can bring as much happiness as possible..My warm and welcoming nature creates...

      Tornow, Chloe services Perth and Bunbury

      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      Yes I am insured through the Australian Marriage Celebrant membership..I love a few laughs, being light hearted and enjoying your day, smiles are free and you will get plenty of them xx Linda..I have years of experience in various roles with public speaking, as the State Commissioner Past for Girl Guides WA I am known for speaking at key events for large or small audiences...My visa run out the 17/12 so i need to have paperworks before than, even a...

      Celebrant In The Hills services Perth, Bindoon, Moondyne, Julimar, West Toodyay, Toodyay, Katrine, Hoddys Well, Dumbarton, Clackline, Woottating, Copley, Bakers Hill, Wundowie, Muchea, Spencers Brook, Northam, Muresk, Muluckine, Mokine, Burlong, York, Inkpen, Lower Chittering, Chittering and Morangup


      2 reviews
      Hired 1 time
      2 reviews
      Hired 1 time
      I am a professional in my duties as your celebrant, but I am also very easy going and I have a calming nature...Although you receive a presentation certificate on your wedding day, you cannot start name change etc, without your official certificate...I go above and beyond on the day and if needed I will meet & greet with as many of your family & friends as time permits...My finace has her heart set on the date so I'm scrambling to...

      Celebrantplus services Perth

      27 reviews
      Hired 69 times
      Can also offer a short and sweet ceremony that’s personalised too..Super down to earth celebrant- with a great sense of humour..If you're looking for something short + sweet, or perhaps a legal ceremony (pretty much the bare basics) or if your are looking for someone to do a fun, personalised wedding ceremony- I can definitely help you out...A home wedding, would only require minimal services from the celebrant..If you're looking for someone fun to help you get married- I've got...

      Farley, Amy Leah services Perth, South West, Mount Cooke, Frankland River, Upper Murray, Wuraming, Quindanning, Moodiarrup, Changerup, Orchid Valley, Qualeup, Mobrup, Rocky Gully, Muchea, Yeal, Wundowie, Copley, Woottating, Moondyne, Trigwell, Williams, Marrinup, Wilbinga, Morangup, Lower Chittering, Myara, Solus, Whittaker, Banksiadale, Dwellingup and 10 more

      Fiorda Tina

      5 reviews
      Hired 15 times
      5 reviews
      Hired 15 times
      I love celebrations and I love weddings, which is why a became a celebrant...It really depends on what you want and time for the preparation for your ceremony...I believe what I do is an honour for couples...Celebrant not required in a professional capacity but very welcome as guest at meal and quiet drinks...I completed my celebrant course at Academy of Celebrancy Australia successfully...It is such a n honour to be a part of your day...But please be assured that I...

      Fiorda Tina services Perth and all of WA

      6 reviews
      Hired 21 times
      I can offer my celebrant services, as well as hire all of the ceremony decor and equipment and style your ceremony, a one-stop if you like...Unlike most celebrants I can provide all of your ceremony styling, I have affordable packages for all budgets or I and tailor one to suit...I am a professional marriage celebrant who understands the importance of punctuality, timeliness, meeting deadlines, and outstanding customer service...I need an Anglican Priest to marry my partner and I at All...

      Journeys Of Love services Perth, South West, North East Perth, South East Perth, Albany, East Perth, Lancelin, Dwellingup, York, Beverley, Brookton, Lake Grace, Gingin, Moora and Williams

      4 reviews
      Hired 38 times
      we use our knowledge and experience to help couples plan and organize their wedding...We can coordinate specific aspects of a wedding or the entire ceremony...Hi I’m Richard from Marriage Celebrants Perth, we help couples arrange their wedding to suit their needs in a relaxed manner...hi, i am half way though doing my celebrant course, as my girlfriend wants me to marry them...Regardless if you would like a “Kiss me quick” ceremony to a fully inclusive ceremony I provide an comprehensive...

      Marriage Celebrants Perth services Perth, Perth CBD, North East Perth, North West Perth, South East Perth and South West Perth

      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      NOIM form (Notice of intention to marry) to be fill out one month before ceremony..Nothing is too big or too small from same sex couples..Every thing especially sharing in the most important and special magic moment in any couples life...We are looking for a male celebrant to marry my partner and I in November!..Booking in school hours Mon to Fri 9 am till 3pm Seasons play a big part winter is always more available then say spring and wedding season...Most...

      Ronny Ray Marriage Celebrant services Perth

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      Review left for Kristy Cameron - Marriage Celebrant


      We loved having Kristy as our celebrant. She made the whole process easy and less stressful. We could contact Kristy whenever we had any questions and her fun personality was exactly what we wanted for our wedding. If you are looking for someone who is helpful, encouraging and wi...


      Glenys Kerr

      Review left for It's Your Day


      I’m so glad I chose Tonia to guide us through our vow renewals. After several meetings. telephone conversations and emails, Tonia had a good understanding of who we are and what kind of service would suit us. Her attention to detail is extraordinary and her delivery of the servic... Every guest at our vow renewal complimented us on chosing Tonia and said how much they enjoyed her service. I know our special day was made much more memorable for having Its Your Day take care of us. Thank you Tonia 🙏🏼

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