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      20 reviews
      Hired 63 times
      The wedding was in July and as it happened, that was one of the coldest and wettest days on record!..I consider each marriage ceremony as a unique and wonderful occasion where only the best will do in all my preparations...As a celebrant, I can do legal marriages, funerals and naming ceremonies, however, I enjoy doing marriage ceremonies the most, whether secular or religious...wedding in private home no photographer needed nothing else required..I love bringing happiness to the wedding day and...

      Aussie Marriages Michael Treacy Marriage Celebrant services Tyers, Gippsland, Latrobe Valley, Moe South, Traralgon South, Traralgon East, Traralgon, Mount Tassie, Loy Yang, Koornalla, Flynns Creek, Callignee, Churchill, Morwell, Maryvale, Jeeralang Junction, Jeeralang, Hazelwood South, Hazelwood North, Hazelwood, Driffield, Yallourn North, Yallourn, Newborough, Kosciuszko National Park, Yinnar South, Lang Lang East, Lang Lang, Heath Hill, Catani and 62 more

      19 reviews
      Hired 53 times
      I spend hours and hours working on your wedding script, you will receive several drafts...I offer lots of little things that others don't, such as the loan of decorations for your ceremony...I donate 10% of my free to the Victorian Cancer Council in HONOR of your wedding...We are wanting to elope at the family farm and have a party at our place on Nov 4th...You receive a Certificate of Thanks and Letter of Appreciation from both the Vic Cancer Council...

      Marry Me Helley! services Tyers, Greater Geelong, Baw Baw, East Gippsland, South Gippsland, Latrobe Valley and Wellington

      GTM Celebrant

      19 reviews
      Hired 39 times
      19 reviews
      Hired 39 times
      We are happy to do packages when people are booking the two of us...You will see by the reviews that we make sure we look after you and get you through the day with as much ease and fun as possible...Our pricing is not just about the final product but also about the journey to get there...We have a little girl who will be 2 come our wedding day, and we want to make her a part of our day...

      GTM Celebrant services Tyers, Baw Baw, South Gippsland, Latrobe Valley and Wellington

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Then not long after this discussion my daughter was in a fatal car accident...I have a Diploma in Marriage Ceremony and I attend ongoing professional development each year...I need to know the venue of your wedding and the date, as I only book one wedding at a time so I need to know your date so that it can be locked in just for you...Just waiting for a reply back from the venue regarding if our date is available...I was...

      Heather Wilson Civil Marriage Celebrant services Tyers and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Leona is a Registered Civil Celebrant and is a member of Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants...Leona offers affordable, professional and unique ceremonies that is full of warmth and sincerity...Her services include an individually written personalised ceremony that reflects what your special day means for you, a booklet of your ceremony, rehearsals and much more...Will be needed for a reversal most likely a week prior.

      Leona Turra Civil Celebrant services Tyers and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      We ensure that your special day is as special as possible as it as unique to you...Suzanne Pinchen Civil Celebrant provides the service that appreciates your special day, whether it be for weddings or Baby namings...We ensure you special day is as special as possible as and unique to you.

      Suzanne Pinchen Civil Celebrant services Tyers and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Graham Code Celebrant design and plan your wedding day to absolute perfection...Just a basic service at our house with our daughters

      Graham Code Celebrant services Tyers and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Jenni Mainwarring is a Civil Marriage, Renewal of Vows and Commitment Ceremonies...Just waiting for a reply back from the venue regarding if our date is available.

      Jenni Mainwarring services Tyers and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Cakes By Karen is your wedding day to absolute perfection...Your ceremony will be happy to discuss your special occasion.

      Cakes By Karen services Tyers and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Christine Skicko Celebrant is a Civil Marriage Celebrant who provides ceremonies for couples who want to make their day absolutely perfect...Authorised Marriage Celebrant, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Naming Ceremonies...I am a registered Civil Marriage Celebrant, Authorised Marriage Celebrant, Renewal of Vows, Commitment.

      Christine Skicko Celebrant services Tyers and Baw Baw

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Themes and symbolisms are most welcomed and encouraged in ceremonies as they help express personality, culture and commitment...Having experienced great loss of family and friends since childhood one can be assured that their loss will handled with dignity and respect as well as sensitivity...Your special day is important and I shall assist you to create a beautiful and memorable ceremony that you will treasure...Adore Celebrancy is located in the Gippsland Area – Warragul, is a registered and privately owned business...I...

      Adore Celebrancy Marriage Celebrant services Tyers and Baw Baw

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Ann Burton provide first class wedding planning services. Weddings, Namings, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies. Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of.

      Ann Burton services Tyers and Baw Baw

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