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      Double Heart
      1 review
      Hired 4 times
      I can travel where ever is needed to perform a ceremony...I recognise the social, cultural and legal significance of marriage and the marriage ceremony in the Australian community; And always Comply with the Marriage Act 1961 and other laws...As a celebrant I will listen to what you want and help with suggestions of my own...I would prefer an email as my work hours are different every day or leave a message on phone and I will phone back.."As an authorised...

      David County Wedding Celebrant services Sandy Point, South East, Baw Baw, South Gippsland and Latrobe Valley

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Jacky Webster Civil Celebrant are the experts at providing first class wedding planning services...Provide a friendly, professional and personalised service for your ceremony...Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life.

      Jacky Webster Civil Celebrant services Sandy Point and South Gippsland

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Trevar is a proud member of the rainbow community, committed to helping queer Australians take advantage of their hard-won equality...Trevar is an Authorised Celebrant who loves to solemnise namings, transition ceremonies, legal marriages, memorials and other ceremonies...Whatever the occasion, you need a celebrant who celebrates you...Trevar has a strong sense of ceremony, just the right amount of irreverence and a fabulous sense of humour that will strike the right balance between solemnity and joy on your special day...He is eager...

      Trevar Alan Skillicorn Chilver, Celebrant services Sandy Point, South East, Baw Baw, South Gippsland, Latrobe Valley and Wellington

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Have a range of services to suit your special day.

      Events By Kate services Sandy Point and South Gippsland

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