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    5 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Every single person that extends the invitation to me to come and say things at their wedding is awesome...Mandy hired Josh Withers and said "Josh speaks from the heart, and keeps it real during the ceremony, and that’s what we loved about him."..Mandy hired Josh Withers and said "He cuts through the bull of tradition and really gets you to think about what is important to you as you make this public profession of love."..Second marriage for both, very casual,...

    Withers, Joshua Daniel services Richmond and all of Australia

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
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    With a commitment to providing high quality wedding ceremonies, Barnes Rachel is a commitment to providing quality, professional services...Your ceremony will be happy to discuss your special day...We are planning on gettung married at waterworks reserve hobart

    Barnes Rachel services Richmond and Hobart

    Double Heart
    1 review
    Hired 3 times
    Also celebrant for Funerals, Namings, Coming of Age, Engagements or any other celebrations...Civil Celebrant authorised by the Attorney General for marriages within Australia...just after a low key, relaxed celebrant to officiate our June wedding

    Irene Partridge services Richmond, North East Hobart, North West Hobart, South and West Hobart and Hobart Central

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
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    I am a qualified Civil Marriage Celebrant and love to make your day memorable...My name is Kate Wheatley, Weddings, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of...Hi, My name is Kate and I am a registered Civil Celebrant.

    Kate Wheatley services Richmond and Hobart

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Whether your wedding is to be a boutique ceremony or a larger celebration, I will work with you and your partner to make your wedding the happy event it should be...Your enquiry is welcome on all aspects of a Legal Marriage or a Commitment Ceremony, the Order of Service, celebrant fees and how to get started with your ceremony plans...I am also a professional calligrapher and will present you with a beautiful hand lettered ceremonial marriage certificate as part of...

    Gemma Black Calligrapher & Authorised Marriage Celebrant services Richmond, North East Hobart, South and West Hobart and Hobart Central

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 1 time
    With a commitment to quality and personalised ceremonies, you can be confident that your special day will be memorable...Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life...We would like to keep the ceremony as brief as possible, is bare essentials.

    A Ceremony To Cherish services Richmond, Brighton, North West Hobart, South and West Hobart, Hobart Central and Central Highlands

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Bliss Ceremonies Pty Ltd design and plan your wedding day to absolute perfection...Authorised Marriage Celebrant, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Naming Ceremonies...Your wedding is one of the most important days of your day...The event will be in Hill Hideaway located in Woodbridge, Tasmania.

    Bliss Ceremonies Pty Ltd services Richmond, Hobart and South East

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Our aim is to provide a professional, caring and personalised service to our clients...Hi, I am a qualified Civil Marriage Celebrant who loves creating beautiful ceremonies.

    Cecilia Ann Bendall services Richmond, North East Hobart, South and West Hobart and Hobart Central

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