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      63 reviews
      Hired 59 times
      Are they going to give me the type of memories that I will cherish?..We had a bit of a chat and he said to me that I would be a good Celebrant...When you are ready to make a promise to each other then see me to help make that day as special as you would like it to be...Its a small wedding with max 10 people and we would just require a celebrant on the beach somewhere...Yes I am insured,...

      Lovelady, Donna Maree services Hyde Park, Innisfail, Whitsunday, Charters Towers, Townsville Central, Bowen and Gordonvale

      8 reviews
      Hired 29 times
      Usually at the completion of the job, my clients have become friends...I believe that my fees as very reasonable and I also have flexible payment plans...I include a lot of extras that the couple does not need to think about..But we ask that the celebrant be there for 1hr incase we are running late...My fees reflect the costs incurred in running a small business like mine...Couples are usually unsure of their legal requirements - during our first meeting, I cover...

      Butterfly Moments services Hyde Park and Townsville

      Amazing Anne

      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      8 reviews
      Hired 27 times
      After attending a few weddings where I was unimpressed with the Celebrants, and following a varied career mostly involving customer service, I felt it was something I could do well...Special introductory price for Townsville of $350 for any ceremony..She executes ceremonies to remember for all the right reasons...The ceremony will be with just my partner and our children, 8 people in total...Provide the Celebrant with proof of place and date of birth and photo ID..Experienced, reasonable pricing at three different...

      Amazing Anne services Hyde Park, Townsville, Rungoo, Belyando, Upper Cornish Creek, Laglan, Galilee, Wairuna, Minnamoolka, Mount Surprise, Lyndhurst, Conjuboy, Lumholtz, Damper Creek, Porcupine, Torrens Creek, Gumlu, Bogie, Mount Wyatt and Mount Coolon

      Price Jan

      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      7 reviews
      Hired 20 times
      It was a goal I had to be a celebrant...As well when couple have a family they ask for you to do a Naming..I am also very reliable and return all emails and phone calls...Our location is at the picnic bay surf life saving club on the strand...I help couples put a ceremony together thats suits them making sure at all times the legal side is correct...I am there to officiate but its the couples day to enjoy...I pride myself...

      Price Jan services Hyde Park and Townsville

      1 review
      Hired 10 times
      I will guide you if you are not sure of what you want and show you many different ideas to make your ceremony specifically yours...You get to choose, together we will create a wedding ceremony just perfect for you...I provide many extras which will reduce expenses for couples...We're not looking at standing at the altar too long, let's face it we just want it over and done with but also something nice so everyone can witness our ceremony...I am an...

      Jeanette Cole Authorised Marriage Celebrant services Hyde Park, Townsville, Tablelands, Hughenden, Cloncurry, Cardwell, Cairns, Cairns North and Palm Cove

      1 review
      Hired 5 times
      I am a friendly easy going person and will help make your day a special day to remember...I am qualified, experienced and committed to making your Wedding day a special day you will always remember, as a Townsville Celebrant I also travel to Magnet Island, Ayr, Giru and surrounding areas...Other ceremonies I offer as a Celebrant in Townsville are Baby Naming Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows and Commitment Ceremonies...Not your traditional wedding we are just looking at eloping...Other ceremonies I offer...

      Dianne Sherrington Townsville Celebrant services Hyde Park, Townsville Central and Ayr

      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I am an experienced celebrant based in Townsville and servicing the greater Townsville area...As a financial member of the Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants (AFCC) i hold Legal Liability and Public Indemnity Insurance...I also love helping people celebrate a range of family ceremonies such as Namings...So this will be to formalise our commitment just in front of a few friends...Remember to let me know when and where you would like to have your ceremony and how simple or elaborate you...

      Lynda Ross Civil Marriage Celebrant services Hyde Park and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I am not only a very experienced Wedding Celebrant, I also officiate at Naming Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies as well as Funerals - I have a reputation of being one of the best at what I do .....I am also very aware of not undercutting other celebrants within the region...I have been lucky that all of my clients have "clicked" with me and that I, in turn have "clicked" with them, making them all very memorable occasions..just need...

      Butterfly Moments services Hyde Park and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Nancy Hamer Northern Rivers Weddings provide first class wedding planning services...Your ceremony will design and plan your special day to absolute perfection.

      Nancy Hamer Northern Rivers Weddings services Hyde Park and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Specialising in Weddings, Namings, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of...Hi, I am a qualified civil marriage celebrant who loves creating beautiful ceremonies.

      Fay Donovan Jp (Qual) services Hyde Park and Townsville Central

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      As Magnetic Island's most experienced celebrant I realise that it's your wedding so let's do it your way...s most affordable, unique and accessible island venue for your special day.... A guarantee that your ceremony will be everything you want for your special day And remember; It??..So this will be to formalise our commitment just in front of a few friends...Let's do it your way Thank you for using Start Local to find me and congratulations on your forthcoming wedding and...

      Magnetic Island Celebrant David Crusty Herron services Hyde Park and Townsville Central

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