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      Smith, Leanne

      8 reviews
      Hired 34 times
      8 reviews
      Hired 34 times
      I am constantly amazed by the creative ideas, unique and special moments couples include and I love the stories we share on the day...I've 12 years experience with over 750 ceremonies and I'd love to help you celebrate your special occasion...I believe in paying attention to the details, keeping it simple and remaining as flexible as possible to help you create the ceremony you want...We are just after ideas at the moment so please help...You have a wedding dream, a...

      Smith, Leanne services Allenstown, Rockhampton, Ulogie, Valentine Plains, Prospect, Dakenba, Biloela, Duaringa, St Lawrence, Clarke Creek, Westwood, Pheasant Creek, Mackenzie, Gainsford, Dululu, Boolburra, Balcomba, Raglan and The Narrows

      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      I prefer to give an all inclusive price so that each person or couple know exactly what they are paying for...Before a quote can be prepared, I would need to know where and when the ceremony is to be held, whether you are going to have any rituals in the ceremony and also how many people will be involved in the ceremony...I am also willing to travel having performed many ceremonies in Central Queensland as well as interstate...Looking for some...

      Cheryl Pitchford services Allenstown and Rockhampton

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      For all your decorations, chair cover hire, linen, outdoor ceremony set up, flowers and accessories

      Stylish Events And Hire services Allenstown and Rockhampton

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      It is an honour to feel the love between two people and to witness their commitment to one another...This is the feeling we all walk away with at the end of the ceremony, setting the tone for the rest of the days celebration of Union...I am easy to work with and always look to the couple to make sure the ceremony is what they want...No matter what happens rain or shine, it's all about the Love....

      Marriage Celebrant services Allenstown and Rockhampton

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      We have a full range of services including Weddings, Namings, Renewal of Vows, Commitment Ceremonies...Carolynn Farmer Celebrant is a Civil Marriage Celebrant based in Central Queensland.

      Carolynn Farmer Celebrant services Allenstown and Rockhampton

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