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      4 reviews
      Hired 6 times
      We recently catered a large wedding in Busselton, the groom was a chef and there were 10 chefs in the guest line up...To our one flare customers we can offer our children under 12 eat for free offer...It would be advantageous to know if the venue had stairs, if there was a kitchen we could be based out of, bringing in a mobile unit incurs extra costs...I am staying at mile end glamping and would dinner cooked for the two...

      Catered by Jacqueline services Busselton, Margaret River and Busselton and Bunbury

      5 reviews
      Hired 5 times
      Jarne hired Simple & Beautiful Catering and said "The most delicious fresh and attractively prepared food , very reasonable priced, a pleasure to dine."..A Perth, Bunbury and Southwest catering business, providing simple and beautiful catering options...We deliver a high end product and excellent customer service to our valued clients...Im not sure if we want a buffet or finger foods so could we please have a quote for both?..Megan hired Simple & Beautiful Catering and said "Not only did they supply...

      Simple & Beautiful Catering services Busselton, South West and Perth

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      At Southwest Professional Function Consultants, We offer the best catering service for your event...For lunch and dinner on friday 26, saturaday 27 and lunch on sunday 28.

      Southwest Professional Function Consultants services Busselton and Margaret River and Busselton

      Double Heart
      0 reviews
      Hired 0 times
      Denning Road Lunch Supply Bunbury provide office catering to the Bunbury area, no order is too big or small...Boardroom lunches, office meetings, seminars, conferences we can do all your catering.

      Catering Bunbury Denning Rd Lunch Supply services Busselton and Bunbury

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