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    13 reviews
    Hired 33 times
    We base a 250gm serve of meat per person insuring everyone has a good meal and never go home hyngry..We look at each job as to make sure quality and quantity is a must...All our Spit Meats are spit roasted on a coal spit...There needs to be an area where kids can get ready for their performance....is the Choice of 3 tender Meat, 4 gourmet salads, Potato bake, piping hot gravy, condiments, Bread rolls, Bio plates, and cutlery for $29.90...

    Bbq Bob Catering services Rankin Park, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, Lower Hunter Valley, Maitland, Port Stephens, Great Lakes, Taree, Hornsby and Muswellbrook

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Our staff are highly skilled, creative professionals providing high quality food and exceptional service...Catering Repairs & Maintenance is a boutique catering company specialising in event catering for all occasions.

    Catering Repairs & Maintenance services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

    1 review
    Hired 7 times
    We cater for all occasions including weddings, birthdays, corporate functions, sporting events, our menu prices range from $14.90 a head up to $39.90 per-head, all food is cooked and prepared onsite to ensure freshness and high quality, we are 100% self sufficient, cooking inside or out using our state of the art ovens and spits...Catering for wedding 100 - 150 guests will be held under marquees

    Coast to Coast the Golden Roast services Rankin Park, Hunter Valley, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, Central Coast and Great Lakes

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    . It takes someone with a knowledge and passion for the produce they are using to be able to produce a great dish...instead of delivery maybe a pick up might be suitable...Working Closely with some of the largest corporations in Newcastle..The menu would involve the following: Main course (chicken and beef alternate), Dessert (either 1 dish for everyone or alternate)...The best Catering in Newcastle for corporate, private, events, functions, weddings, and anything else you can think of...Many questions come to...

    Relish Catering services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    I cater for any catering needs no matter how big or small, I can cater for all your catering needs.

    Relish Catering To Impress services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    A $200 deposit secures your booking with the balance due on confirmation approximately a week before your party..All our buffets include a chef onsite (1 staff per 50 guests), however, if you wish to serve your own buffet provide a carve and delivery service for numbers over 50...Check out our website at www.bbqspitroast.com.au for details of current free offers...Venue booked, small kitchen available with fridge, sink & additional prep space...With many years of experience in catering for Birthdays, Engagements, Christening,...

    Newcastle Bbq Spit Roast services Rankin Park, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie and Maitland

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    D'vine Feasts Events & Catering provide the very best photography services for many years to come...Capture your wedding, your wedding day or your special day.

    D'vine Feasts Events & Catering services Rankin Park, Hunter Valley, East Lake Macquarie and Newcastle

    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    For example if you are having a cake serve it as dessert, ask your guests to get involved and assist with the decorating...Lesley Taylor Group can do it all from corporate catering on your site to intimate degustation’s for that absolute lasting impression in your home for that special occasions...We offer superb personal service and cater directly to your needs, including all food allergy requirements we are gluten free and vegan specialists...Big long timber tables and benches with with a...

    Lesley Taylor services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Our aim is to provide a high quality catering service for all functions, functions and functions...Dutch Pancakes & Treats specialise in catering for all occasions...I offer catering services for weddings, corporate events and parties.

    Dutch Pancakes & Treats services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

    2 reviews
    Hired 6 times
    Here at the Bare Chested Chef, we aim to provide the ultimate dining experience in your home or venue of your choice...Let us take care of everything from creating menus, cooking, cleaning, serving and more...We do all of this to ensure your event is as smooth and enjoyable as possible...We would love to discuss our budget with you and how you could potentially accomodate...We specialise in cooperate events, large birthday parties, weddings and more...With 2 years of catering experience, and...

    Bare Chested Chef services Rankin Park, Sydney, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie and Upper North Shore

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Hot Rock offers catering for events, catering to events and events...I have a passion for catering for parties, weddings and parties...I am trying to arrange a casual buffet style lunch at our home for my husband 's birthday.

    Hot Rock Events & Catering services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

    Double Heart
    0 reviews
    Hired 0 times
    Our aim is to create a memorable experience for all of your events and parties...Located in the Hunter Valley, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Hunter, Barbara Morley Catering offers.

    Barbara Morley Catering services Rankin Park and Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

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