Leeden Philip services Melbourne
I am Classical / Spanish style Guitarist, Lutenist & Vocalist. Great Composers, Bach, Chopin, etc,. Spanish, Celtic & modern works.I then sing many songs from all eras. I am a very accomplished musician, having previously been a Specialist Instrument Teacher in many Public & Private Schools in Melbourne.. Melbourne Grammar over 10 yrs Toorak College. 9 yes Peninsula College. 7 yrs Padua College. 9 yrs Western port Christian College 3 yrs and others. I have been employed now for over 15 years , entertaining Aged & Social Groups over Melb doing daytime Concerts.. Some Facilities include.. Bupa , Benetas , Arcare, Estiah etc.. I have also done many Concerts for The Sacred Heart Mission, and some Hospitals.. The Concerts performed now total over 1600. Philip Leeden
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